
The bond between a pet and its person is special. Once your furry friend crosses the rainbow bridge, you may be led to honor its life. Writing an obituary is the perfect way to do just that. Pet obituaries are gaining popularity in America as more and more people are choosing to use this option to memorialize their pets. There are several reasons why writing an obituary for your pet is something you should consider after it passes away. 

1) It Allows You to Work Through Grief


When it comes to experiencing pet loss, many people decide to go through the grieving process on their own. Writing an obituary for your pet gives you an opportunity to talk about your pet and recall the precious moments that you both shared. Even if it’s months or years after your pet passes away, writing an obituary will allow you to have your memories written down on paper and have something to revisit whenever your pet comes across your mind. 

2) It Allows You to Share the Memory of Your Pet With Others


You may decide that grieving the loss of your pet is too difficult for you to get through on your own. Instead of grieving in private, you may want to consider writing an obituary and having it published in the newspaper, online publication, or on social media outlets such as Facebook. Doing so will allow you to get the word out about the loss of your pet and may lead to your friends and family reaching out to you to offer their condolences. You may even end up connecting with other individuals who have recently experienced pet loss or be introduced to a support group to go through the grieving process together. 

3) It Makes the Perfect Addition to Your Pet’s Memorial


Whether you chose to bury your pet or opted for pet cremation or aquamation, writing an obituary for your pet will allow you to have an additional item to include with a memorial in your home. Your pet’s memorial may include photos, paw prints, ID tags, collars, an urn with your pet’s ashes, etc. An obituary for your pet will add the perfect final touch to bring everything together. 

Experiencing the loss of the pet is never easy to go through. With all of the countless memories that you’ve shared with your pet, it’s only right to make sure you cherish them forever. When you feel up to writing an obituary to honor the life of your pet, keep in mind that there is not a right or wrong way to write it. The important thing is to allow the words to come from your heart. The rest will fall into place.

Gentle Waters Aquamation